Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hi I'm back.

Hello again from Benoni. Yes I've been in hibernation mode for awhile. It's been so cold here & my Study/ Spare room is in the coldest part of the house. It takes real dedication to sit here & compose while one's fingers & toes gradually freeze. So I've been doing some reading instead & have been keeping warm with some good company in the form of two good books. The first one was "Awakening to your life's purpose" by Eckhart Tolle & the second was "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. I got hooked straight away by the second book & enjoyed a great journey with her to some amazing places. The first book was a lot deeper & has taken some time to be absorbed. Both books were recommended by Oprah, so I knew that they would be interesting.There is a lot of new information out there right now with regard to our inner selves etc; I am open to new thoughts but find the implementation a lot harder to achieve.Your subconcious mind knows that there is something else in there but it is very difficult to stay on track for long.

Apart from reading & the obvious everyday jobs I've been quiet. We did go & see Heidi & Steve's new home last monday.It is a lovely home, quite different from their pad in Sun City & will take a lot of new furniture to fill it.I know that they will enjoy shopping for everything, but probably not the bill's at the end of it!! We are looking forward to our first invite, when they have organised things to their liking & have got to grips with the new kitchen.

Hazel & Craig have also been busy building a lovely new patio at the back of their home.It looks great.

I will now add a pretty photo to remind me that winter doesn't last forever.
It's sunday morning & still pretty cold, the shortest day of the year here,so it can only get better from now on. Watching the weather on TV I can see that Tony & Gilly are having the best of it.Quite a sensible move they made in moving to Spain. Poor UK is still having a lousy summer but they are enjoying lovely high temperatures.
Ah well, the cold is beginning to get the better of me again so I'll stop for now. Bye .


Gill and Tony said...

Hi Gilly, nice to see you back again. Enjoyed reading about your reading :) Yes, it's great that both your girls have such lovely homes isn't it. Must make you very proud of them. You're right, we have +30c at the moment, but we've had a wet time of it leading up to this. Now we're just wet because of the pool :D

Heidi said...

yeah your back!!!! just think we are always one day closer to summer, then we can start complaining about the heat instead of the cold. I just ordered the Eat Pray book from Kalahari...

Hazel said...

Welcome back to the land of blogging!
Oh yes, numb fingers and toes - I can relate to that. Not at the moment though, we're enjoying sunny days in Canada while we can! It's almost a year since your visit to us. Strawberry season now and cherries not far off :)
Hazel xx